The Cabinet of Curiosities
Jar of eyes

Episode 3: Plum Boy and the Dead Man, by Stefan Bachmann

In the third episode of The Cabinet of Curiosities podcast,  Curator Stefan Bachmann reads his most disturbing story “Plum Boy and the Dead Man.”

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Each week, one of the four Cabinet curators—authors Stefan Bachmann, Katherine Catmull, Claire Legrand, and Emma Trevayne—will read a tale from their collection of spooky, creepy, or simply horrifying short stories, The Cabinet of Curiosities: 36 Tales Brief and Sinister, available from Greenwillow/HarperCollins, wherever books are sold.

Scary stories for ages 8 and up. Adults will like them, too . . .  if “like” is the is the best description for a cold and creeping terror.

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